With the holidays around the corner, why don’t you plan something for yourself? It is so easy to put yourself last on the list when kids and work consume all our time. It’s time to put YOU on your to-do list!
One way you can do something for yourself is by getting laser hair removal. Maybe you’ve heard of a friend getting hair removal done and you’ve always thought, “Wouldn’t that be nice…no more shaving!” but never made it a priority. You wonder if you have enough time or that it’s too expensive. I am here to say it is SO worth it!
Imagine not having to take off that cute skirt and changing into slacks because you didn’t have time to shave. Or, when your friend calls you up with that last second beach trip and you can just grab your suit and go. You’ll be surprised how much it can change your life.
Removing unwanted hair with lasers is safe and easy and it can really enhance how you feel. You’ll build self-confidence in your appearance. We all want to feel great in our bodies and this is a great self-care treatment you can do to always look your best and not even have to think twice.
When I decided to get hair removal for my legs, I was excited but also confused about how to find a place that will fit all my needs. I had 3 top requirements: it needed to be close to work so I can go on my lunch break, reasonably priced and at an established medical aesthetic practice.
However, when I started searching online, I quickly became overwhelmed with the range of pricing for treatment packages and promotions. The treatment sessions seemed to run anywhere from $100 to $300 and I may need 6-10 or more sessions! There was a lot to sort through and consider.
I found out that you can anticipate about 6 sessions stretched out over 6 months for optimal results. They spread the sessions out due to the way hair follicles grow. This is why the long process is often initiated during the fall/winter season, so most laser hair removal can be completed before summer.
I also learned you often “get what you pay for” when it comes to the quality of laser hair removal treatments. Some people are willing to choose the lower-priced treatment, but they end up requiring more sessions, in addition to 2 or 3 annoying bits of hair that were missed. This is due to a number of factors, some of which include a slower, less effective laser system or less experienced staff.
After some extensive research, I found a place with a higher quality laser that had modern technology. The staff was great! They were knowledgeable and made me feel comfortable with such a big decision. It was really important for me to feel listened to and to be walked through the whole process, so I knew exactly what to expect.
As you look at your options, consider which providers have recently invested in the services you desire and how that may benefit you personally. The laser I was treated with was the Lutronic Clarity II. It is designed to be 2 times faster than most lasers out there and has more consistent coverage than older systems.
Time is money and having a single treatment completed in 20 minutes versus 40 minutes is huge. I also had complete removal results and only needed 6 treatment sessions. This advanced system even had comfort cooling that made the experience literally painless for me. I am a person that really can’t deal with pain and this was like a dream!
Empower yourself to learn all you can and ask questions to help determine what is best for you. To learn more about the Lutronic Clarity II laser hair removal platform that fit my needs, head over to this page.
This season, take 20 minutes to do something for you that will have lasting benefits. Save time each day from shaving, throw away the razor, forget the waxing, and feel more confident at the beach or pool next year! Now is a great time to set your goal for beautiful, hair-free legs!