Have you ever considered having a cosmetic procedure? Did you visit a medical aesthetic provider for a surgical or non-surgical treatment last year? If so, you’re not alone, and if you’re on the fence, rest assured that you would be joining a rapidly growing segment of the population.
The aesthetic industry typically uses BOTOX™ (a brand name for botulinum toxin) injection numbers as the leading barometer for non-invasive treatment trends. It’s the #1 most-performed aesthetic procedure by plastic surgeons in the USA since 1999*, and it continues to rise, on average, every year – over 1.7 million injections were performed in 2019, up 17.8% from 1.45 million since 2015, and the number of minimally invasive procedures (laser resurfacing, hair removal, etc.) continue to climb as well.*
That is a pretty small number compared to the population of the United States – well over 300 million people – but as supplies and equipment become less expensive, medspas and aesthetic centers open daily, and more adults have access to simple, safe ways to look better and feel better about themselves, it’s easy to predict that this percentage will continue to rise. Not to mention the fact that our population continues to grow older and people are staying in the workplace until later in life. Any small advantage over a younger applicant for a job can make the difference!
You don’t need me to tell you that 2020 has been a rough year for everyone. Between COVID-19 lockdowns/quarantine/health concerns, civil unrest, and the craziness of an election year (multiplied by a billion), everyone could use a boost as we head into 2021. As we gear up for the holidays, one friend confided in me that she’s dreading holiday parties in December and January, and not just because of mandated masking. She feels like she isn’t looking her best, she has been spending a lot of money on online cosmetics with limited effectiveness, and she’s concerned about what others will think. Normally, I would tell her not to worry, she looks great, but I understand where she’s coming from. The family Christmas party this year is going to feel more like a 10-year high school reunion – everyone is going to be looking around, judging… “Is she pregnant or just get a little chubby?”…”Did he finally get a job?”…”Is that the 2nd or 5th wife, I can’t keep track?”. It’s going to be an awkward reintroduction to the social scene for a lot of us, and I admit I’m nervous, too.
While there is no cure for the atrophy of social skills outside of breaking from our she-sheds and man-caves and interacting with people outside of Zoomland, there is hope for those of us who could use a shot of self-confidence. Yes, I mentioned BOTOX earlier, and there are some very effective injectable products on the market. But how about trying something energy-based, non-toxic and stimulating to the growth of new tissue?
Laser, light and energy-based treatments are becoming increasingly safe and impactful, and there’s a lot to be said for the mantra of “look good, feel good”. Most lasers and energy devices, in the hands of a qualified medical practitioner, generate and deliver heat to tissue in a controlled manner, activating the body’s natural wound-healing responses. These help to eliminate nuisances like pigmented lesions, rosacea, and wrinkles, while building new healthy skin cells, elastin, and collagen – all the things that make our skin look, act, and feel younger, brighter, and more luminous. Think about how we feel rejuvenated after a nice walk on a sunny day, or how many plants thrive in direct sun. Light builds life, and after decades of work and research, the aesthetic industry has figured out how to generate, harness and deliver energy in a controlled manner that helps people look and feel good about themselves!
So, if you’re feeling a little “blah” after several months of watching the news, talking to your air conditioner, and hanging out on social media, take a moment to look in your area for a certified Lutronic provider who can offer some incredible, safe, and effective ways to look great heading into the holidays – everyone is going to wonder how you emerged from 2020 better than ever!
*Source: The Aesthetic Society, 2019 Data and Trends